Not everyone loves a good cup of green tea, but those who do are very loyal tea drinkers. Others can have their coffee and other beverages, but tea lovers want their cup of tea. Getting the right tea, the right teapot or brewing equipment, and that favorite cup is so satisfying. Sitting down to drink the perfectly brewed cup of green tea is almost heaven. But, is everyone brewing the best cup of tea they can? Are people brewing tea correctly?
Why is Drinking Green Tea Beneficial?
Green tea has been a favorite beverage in many societies for centuries. Not only does it have a pleasant taste, but it also has health benefits. Even today, tea is one of the most popular beverages. While a person enjoys the pleasant taste of tea as they relax for a few minutes, their bodies are getting the benefit of antioxidants and phytonutrients. An even better cup of tea is one with lemon and honey.
When aiming for a lemony green tea, a person can use regular green tea and add fresh lemon and honey or they can purchase high-quality green tea that has lemon and other good things added to it in easy-to-use tea bags. Companies such as Ahmad Tea of London pride themselves in the wonderful teas and tea blends they offer the tea-drinking world. These special teas take tea drinking to a whole new level.
Another benefit of drinking any of the green teas is that they can actually promote weight loss and boost a body’s fat-burning ability. Since lemon also has this benefit, drinking tea and lemon is even better. This is assuming a person does not load up the green tea and lemon with sugar and cream. In addition, if a person is eating a poor, high-calorie diet, they will not lose weight. Drinking green tea with lemon must be combined with a healthy, low-calorie diet and exercise.
Other possible benefits of drinking green tea include controlling diabetes and better heart health, and drinking green tea and lemon can even lead to better brain health. Regularly consuming green tea and lemon might even help a person delay or avoid dementia. Using honey instead of sugar increases the tea-drinking benefits by adding vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Drinking a cup of tea with lemon and honey can also soothe coughs.
How To Brew The Best Tea
Anyone can ruin a perfectly good cup of tea by not brewing it properly. It is important to use good quality water like filtered water. Heat the water to a temperature of 212F or boiling. Then pour the water over the tea bag and let it steep for five minutes. Immediately remove the tea bag and stir the tea. Leaving the tea bag in the cup of tea can alter the caffeine level and hurt the flavor.
Since the perfect cup of tea may be different for different people, each person must experiment to see what the perfect amount of lemon added to a cup of green tea is and how much honey is needed to enhance the flavor. Some people prefer their tea unsweetened, and that is fine. Some people do not want to add lemon. They don’t know what they are missing, but it is their choice.
What a lovely experience it is to relax in a comfortable chair with the perfect cup of lemon green tea and a good book or a favorite TV program.