Wordle lovers, take your square-addled thoughts back to last week’s Wordle of the Day “PRICK”. Did you doubt yourself? Did you know that the term “prick” can have a legitimate meaning? It’s not an insult or an old-fashioned penis word. My friend, you might be a dirty person, and they will likely enjoy Lewdle.
What is Lewdle?
Lewdle is a word-game that takes inspiration from Wordle, the popular word game. The rules are the same as Wordle: You must guess a word but it’s a rude word.
What Does It Do?
Have you ever played Wordle? It works pretty much the exact same way. You can guess a word, and get feedback. The letters in green are those that appear in the word and are located in the correct place. Yellows are letters that are in the word, but not in the right spot. The rest of the letters in the word are yellows. That and the fact that you are trying to find a rude word is what you use.
Tips & Tricks
Before we give you straight up the answers, here’s a few tips to help you.
- Urban DictionaryRight. Forget the real dictionary. It’s unlikely that it will help you in Lewdle. Most of the words in this game are not in regular dictionary format and will be unintelligible.
- Vowels This tip is one we offer for many word games. However, it works. Try to use all vowels in the words you are using for the first two words.
Lewdle, as you may have guessed is a filthy tribute to the hugely popular daily word game. It’s a lovingly filthy tribute. Although you may associate the profane and the scatological with the erotic more strongly with four-letter words there are plenty of five-letter options available to complete the exclusive naughty list. There is also a Sweardle version that uses cursing, but it only gives you four guesses.
Gary Whitta is a screenwriter who created Lewdle. He’s also worked on Rogue One and the Walking Dead game. Whitta, unlike others who have joined the bandwagon noted on Twitter that his game was a blatant copy and added a note to your shareable results encouraging people to play the original.
The fact that you might be able to come up with a five-letter English word that can not be dirty but it may not be on the word list adds an extra challenge. Because all your guesses must be on the list you cannot just throw your favorite clean-Wordle starter into there to find some useful vowels. Mine, ARISE, could possibly be useful in an especially florid situation (ugh), but it doesn’t necessarily make it dirty.
Whitta will accept submissions via Twitter if you think a word should be there. He also told at least one player that the team is “constantly increasing” the list.
You will also encounter the same quirks, habits and pitfalls that you have to deal with during regular Wordle. My fourth guess today saw me stare at DILFS for far too long. I tried DILFS but it was either too dirty or not-a real-word enough to make it onto the word list. Before I remembered that letters can appear in more than one word. (Spoilers: The game will refresh at midnight ET and DILDO may not be the answer you are looking for. This is the only thing that matters.
To be thorough, I tried some of the dirty words on Wordle, just for fun. (On my desktop so that I don’t risk my undefeated streak being displayed in my phone browser. My six guesses, BOOBS, FARTS DILDO FDICKS, FUCKS and TITTY, were all correct, I am happy to report. Even if you get tired of Lewdle’s limited and spicy possibilities, it is possible that Wordle’s mysterious coloured squares will one day present you with a puzzle that only your dirty brain can solve.