Which Arcade Game Was Co-Created By Steve Jobs And Steve Wozniak?
Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak are both famous for their founding the company Apple Computers but you may be shocked to learn their origins in technology go all the way to another famous company in the field of technology, Atari.Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak are the two individuals who came up with the idea for this game Breakout within a short period of time in the year 1976.
Breakout was the result of an idea made by Atari founder Nolan Bushnell who wanted a single-player version of Pong which was the most played game at the time.In actuality, it’s widely known it was invented mainly through the efforts of Steve Wozniak although both men were recognized as having contributed to the game.
The development of Breakout
In the 1970s, when the first video gaming console’s generation was released, the video game was not as advanced and innovative, certainly as compared to current games. The game was much easier and the accessibility was limited. It was among the very first games played on video was Pong which was first developed as a prototype game that became so popular that it was eventually made into a game.Which arcade game was co-created by steve jobs and steve wozniak?
Before we begin to play Breakout this game we need to look at Pong and remember the games that were played on video in the 1970s.
These weren’t how video games looked these days.
What does it mean? Pong?
Pong is a revolutionary game invented in 1972. It’s a basic form of tennis where the center of attention was a small white blip which was bounced between two players located on the to the left or right side of the screen. The goal is to hit the ball back , and make sure that your opponent did not get it wrong and in that case, you’d gain one point. The goal was to score as much as 11 points ahead of your opponent, and to be ahead by a minimum of 2 points. After that, you can play a variety of games such as Best of 5, Best of 7 and others to decide who was the winner.
What is a Breakout verb?
Breakout was akin to Pong in that the main focus in the game was one tiny blip. However, it was a single-player game you played against the computer. In Breakout the aim is to break through the bricks that were situated in the upper part on the display. The paddle is able to move to the left or right of the screen, and adjust to the location of the blip. If the blip is struck by an object, the brick gets destroyed, and the Blip bounces back at your paddle to in order to further break the wall.
Breakout Vs Pong game
Pong gameplay
Pong is the game that is played with black and white. It is played using the blip can be played both left and right and can be played with two players. The paddles move up and down. The score will appear large on screen. Although Pong is frequently referred to as an activity that is often like table tennis, the actual purpose of the game is similar to air hockey.
Breakout gameplay
Breakout is a game played in color that is played vertically in relation to the movement of the blip when the paddle moves to either side of to the middle of the screen. The score of this game can be found on lower right corner of screen.
The legacy of Breakout Breakout
Breakout became a huge hit and when it came out in 1978, it was the basis for a successor called Super Breakout. Atari released a home version of Breakout to the Atari 2600 console and multiple versions, including versions from different companies were released for other consoles, like Atari 2000 to their Jaguar system.
Intellivision has designed the most modern Version of Breakout for its modern Amico Home Video Game Console that will launch in 2021.
The most popular and popular versions of Breakout that took the game to an entirely new dimension is Arkanoid which was launched at arcades on the year 1986, in 1986 by Japanese manufacturer Taito. Instead of having one game, like Breakout, Arkanoid featured brick walls with various styles for the boards, and numerous power-up capsules. These included many balls, a bigger capacity paddle, laser cannons that could smash bricks and make the game more entertaining.
This is a short video where Breakout founder Steve Wozniak discusses the idea behind Breakout as well as the process that brought it to be.